See in this post how easy it is to create a beautiful vignette for your spring home decor.

Do you need help figuring out how to put together a spring home decor vignette? You’re not the only one!
While out salvage shopping with a friend this week, I stumbled across something that I knew right away I had to have. I didn’t know what it was until I made my way to the wall it was hanging on and read the tag. Once I realized what it was there was no turning back. It was going home with me! “What will you ever use that for?”, my friend asked. So, I tell her, and her next reply was, “I would have never thought of that!”. Then the shop owner chimed in and said, “I wouldn’t have either!” Their reaction made me love it even more!
A Spring Home Decor Vignette
Now, I want to do this so that I can show you how easy it is to decorate your home with beautiful spring decor ideas for a vignette.

I love going to salvage and vintage shops and finding the unexpected. Just as much as I like using the items I find in unexpected places. This is all part of my decorating style, and it can be yours too. And I can help you learn how.

What the heck is a vignette anyway? My friend and the shop owner didn’t know that day, but now they surely do!
In a decorator’s world:
A vignette is a collection of decor objects that support a style and theme.
How to Create a Beautiful Vignette for Your Spring Home Decor
- Choose a theme – You might decide on something seasonal, or a specific color theme. How about a hobby? Or one of your favorite decor styles such as a coastal theme? The sky is the limit here. Get your creative juices flowing.
- Select your focal point – The focal point is often the most prominent object in your vignette and serves as an anchor. In my vignette, the tulips serve as my focal point.

- Find a base – Use a metal or wicker tray or basket with low sides to hold your gathered items
- Create interest by adding depth – Add depth and dimension to your vignette by placing tallest objects in the back and shorter ones in the front. Use things in unexpected places.

In mine, I’ve placed the bunny on a straw birds nest. In doing so, I’ve added an unexpected element that adds interest to the display.

- Shop your home – You will be surprised at what you already have in your home to use in your vignette. Here I used a biodegradable plant pot that had been lightly painted and used in a previous craft project. I kept the orange ribbon, removed the contents and added the faux plant. And it’s adorable! The straw nest that the bunny is on was a part of that same previous craft. I even stuck a few feathers from that craft into the nest. Don’t be afraid to think out of the box.
- Vary the size and texture of your items – Don’t be afraid to mix metals, wood, glass, and fabric. Plants or some greenery always work with just about anything.

These tulips are one of my very favorite finds this spring! Would you believe they are faux tulips? I know! They even feel real to the touch. I swoon every time I walk past them.
- Be selective with your color palette – Choose no more than three colors that compliment each other with similar tones.
- Use items you love – Add items to your vignette that evoke feelings of happiness, or have meaning to you. When I gather some of my favorite things in a vignette collection it makes me smile every time I look at it.

- Add some whimsy – In my spring home decor vignette, the striped and polka dot wooden eggs give a whimsical look. The hippity-hop cloth napkins help soften the overall look and are a fun feature.

Remember the item my friend questioned me about?
Well, you’ve seen it all along. See that wire thingy I’m using as a cloche? You want to take another gander and guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint…it’s missing a couple of straps. Give up? That my friend is a mule muzzle. Yep, that is what caused me to lose my senses for a minute and hurriedly scurry across the room even though I had no clue what the prize was.
The jar of vintage silver utensils sit on my open shelves. I just grabbed the jar and added it to the spring home decor items.

From these pictures, I saw one thing that’s bugging me, and that’s the jar of vintage utensils. It’s a little too full. From the shelf, it looked fine, but here it seems a bit cluttered to me. I went back and removed a couple of the utensils, and that made it look better which brings me to my next suggestion.
- Purge – Step back and take a look at your vignette. Does it look too cluttered? If it does remove an item or two and see how it looks. There are no rules. What may look cluttered to you may not to the next person. Add and take away objects and move them around until you have a look that suits your fancy. It’s that simple!
What items would you like to display in a spring home decor vignette? I would love for you to tell me in the comments.
Excellent!!!! At last, I founded what I need. I got enough information about creating a beautiful vignette . Thank you so much Kim.
This is a beautiful vignette and I had no idea what you used as a cloche over your bunny. I almost laughed out loud when I found out that it was a mule muzzle.
I led trail rides when I was a teen and we had to put a similar muzzle on the horses or the guests riding would have spent half of the trail ride pulling the horse up from eating grass. Those muzzles weren’t as attractive as yours.
Hey Paula!
Thank you!
You just brought back some sweet memories. I rode horses years ago that needed muzzles for the same reason you mentioned unless we were headed back to the barn. They wanted to graze on the way out and run like the wind on the way back. Seriously, all you could do was hang on for dear life. I must have been a gluten for punishment as I chose Nick (the biggest offender) every time. He had one tough mouth because it didn’t faze him when I pulled back on those reigns until my arms were sore. All he had was the barn on his mind. :)
>>> Kim
Love the mule muzzle cloche! I would never have guessed! Love the interesting stories that vintage shopping provides!
Hi Joyce!
Thanks! I got it at Picker’s Place. The quaint little shop on the side street in Blackstone that we went to a couple of years ago. The shop owner was still just as sweet as she was back when we were there. I’m ready to go again whenever you are. ;)
>>> Kim
Lovely, Kim! I really love studying your vignette and seeing all of the variety of textures you put together. Who knew you could use that as a cloche! Thanks for the great tips!
Hey Crissy!
Thanks! It’s fun to add interest and texture in unconventional ways.
>>> Kim
Love your Spring vignette Kim and I had no idea those beautiful tulips were faux, they look so real.
Hi Sonya!
Thank you! I love those tulips! They really do look real!
>>> Kim
Hi Kim, Your vignette is charming! You captured the essence of springtime and Easter whimsy and did it ever so creatively! Thank you for sharing your hints and tips on vignette “construction”, I might have to give it a try!
Hi, Judy!
I love it when I can be an inspiration to someone. With summer right around the corner, the possibilities are endless with what you can create. If you do decide to give it a try, I would love for you to post a picture on my Facebook page (link at the top right). Thanks so much for stopping by!
>>> Kim
What a fun item to use in a vignette! Always fun to add an element of surprise to a vignette! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!
Hey, Julie!
Yes! I love using different things in creative ways.
>>> Kim
Talk about thinking outside of the box!! What a great use for something that may not be used on a mule again!!
Hi, Cindy!
Yep! Ya never know what you’ll find and how you’ll plan on using it when you do find something unusual. One thing for sure as long as I own it, you’re right! It will not be used on a mule again! ;)
>>> Kim
It looked so beautiful. I’m actually a fan of vintage themed designs that’s why I loved this more. Thank you so much for sharing.
Hello Kim! Wow! Brilliant piece of a blog post on Vignette! I loved the way you have written it. I felt like that listening to you narrate in real-time! Completely in love with your content flow! Thank you for sharing information.
Your home decor is so beautiful Kim! I absolutely love how you style your shelves and all the greenery you added. Your vignette is gorgeous!! I need to learn your ways. My looks so sad! I especially love all the textures you’ve brought into your spaces like the board and batten, rugs and throws!