Homestyle Gathering is your weekly homekeeping destination! A place where you can share inspiration, find inspiration and make new friends.


You know the saying, “all good things must come to an end.” It’s true, and it’s okay because when things end, it leaves time and room for new things to come.

For this reason, I will no longer be doing Homestyle Gathering. I have new and exciting things planned for Serving Up Southern in 2020 that will require plenty of time and attention.

It has been a bittersweet decision to make, and I’ve been putting it off for a while now. But, I know the time has come, and it’s the right step to take.

I want to thank each one of you for your support and for the time you took to come over each week – your dedication helped make HG a success. You made it so much fun, and I thoroughly enjoyed hosting. There’s no doubt I’ll miss it, but I’m very excited and looking forward to the new things to come.

I hope you enjoy these last features on Homestyle Gathering. To all of my blogging friends, I have enjoyed getting to know each of you better. I’ll continue to visit your blogs, and I hope you’ll continue to check back here now and then too. :)

If you missed last week’s party, you can find all the fabulous inspiration that was shared here.

Also, be sure to check out my Homestyle Gathering Link Party board – you’ll find each week’s features pinned to this board.

Let’s get the party rolling!

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

Serving Up Southern

Two collage graphic of beautiful clean kitchen and pumpkin bread

Classic Pumpkin Bread | How to Have a Clean Kitchen in 9 Easy Steps

Enjoy these features from last week’s party!

Three arrows pointing downward

Beautiful Thanksgiving Tablescape | Mantel and Table

Christmas Inspired Dining Room | The Crowned Goat

1920’s Tiny Powder Room Revival | Follow the Yellow Brick Home

French Country Laundry | Botanic Bleu

Spicy Christmas Ornament Cheese Ball | Interior Frugalista

And this week’s bonus:

Subtle Changes Welcomes Thanksgiving | Common Ground

If Homestyle Gathering has ever featured you, feel free to snag the new image below to place in your sidebar or use on your social media.

I want to thank all of you who have linked up to HG in the past. If you’re a new blogger who is here for the first time, you are invited to join us and link up!

Since this is a party I encourage all who link up to visit several other links and spread some love – comments and pins are always welcome.

Thank you for joining us this week! Before getting started, please review our rules:

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  1. Thank you Kim for featuring my cheese ball on your final homestyle gathering post! I’m sorry to see yet another link party end BUT I totally get that it opens another door for your blogging career. Best wishes with your new venture. The party will be missed ?

    1. Thank you so much, Marie!
      It was NOT an easy decision. You’re right; it does make room for another door to open. Thank you for your faithful participation!
      >>> Kim

  2. Kim, I’m very sorry to hear that this link party is going away. So many have disappeared in the last year. But it must take a large amount of time to maintain, and would keep you from other important opportunities for your growth!
    I will continue to drop in and see what exciting things you are up too :)

    Big Hug,

    1. Thank you, Rachelle!
      I hated to bring it to an end. I even tell myself that maybe one day I’ll bring it back. But, for now, I know it’s the right thing to do for moving forward. Thanks so much for being a faithful participant.
      >>> Kim

  3. Oh Kim – that IS bittersweet news! Thank you so much for featuring my Thanksgiving table on your last Homestyle Gathering! I’ve enjoyed the forum so much – you always pick wonderful features, and the links are always excellent. I’ll definitely still pop over and see you whenever I need inspiration! Thanks so much for hosting all this time, and congratulations on new things to come! ?

    1. You’re very welcome, Barbara!
      It wasn’t the easiest decision to make. Thank you for your faithful participation.
      Have a great rest of the week!
      >>> Kim

  4. I\’ve only been in this party for a couple months but always enjoyed seeing all the creative ideas. Looking forward to seeing what\’s next for you and your blog!

    1. Hi Pamela!
      Thanks for joining in – even if it was only for a couple of months. I’ll be checking popping over to your blog to see your latest projects. :)
      >>> Kim

  5. Thank you Kim for a wonderful link party. Can’t wait to see what you have coming up in the new year. Best, Carol.

  6. Thank you so much for featuring my Christmas dining room as one of your last features. I’ll definitely miss this party because it’s always fun to see what people are up to but I’m excited about the new adventures that are to come for you. You are one talented lady and I can’t wait to follow along. Hugs and thank yous, CoCo

    1. You are very welcome, Coco!
      Thank you for being a faithful participant here at HG. I’ll be checking in to see your latest projects. I hope your week is going well!
      >>> Kim

  7. Kim,
    Thank you so much for featuring the makeover of my laundry room as part of the One Room Challenge™. I am sad to see this linky party go, but totally understand having to juggle all the facets of a blog. I am glad I find your blog and you through this linky party and look forward to new and exciting things you have planned for 2020.

    Happy Thanksgiving,


    1. You’re so welcome, Judith!
      Thank you for joining us at HG! I’m so glad you found SUS too! I will be checking in on your blog to see your latest projects. :)
      >>> Kim

  8. Thank you for the feature! So sorry about the news but totally understandable. We would love for you to link up all you are up to over at Thursday Favorite Things and All About Home.
    I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    1. You’re so welcome, Amber!
      Thank you for participating in HG. I’ll be popping over each week to see your latest and greatest projects. You have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

  9. I am sorry to see homestyle gatherings go but understand the time commitment that it takes to host a link party. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


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